Latest articles on the topic "Berufliches Gymnasium"

The sailing team of our vocational grammar school took part in this year´s competition against 14 teams in various disciplines on September 18 in perfect sailing weather.and sailed to the winners´ podium


A room shrouded by fog, a shady pirate, a chest full of gold and ... a rucksack!

This was the starting point of our adventurous treasure hunt in Hamburg's HafenCity. On 4 July, we, class 11a of the vocational college, went on a trip to Hamburg and took part in the Monkey Quest - a kind of outdoor scavenger hunt that we found to be a mixture of city rally, escape room and geocaching. It was analogue, though, because smartphones were not allowed this time!


On 18 June, class BG23c went on an exciting excursion to Hamburg.


After two years of the exchange programme with the Pauliskolan school in Malmö, we were visited by two Swedish colleagues on Tuesday, 11.06.24.
