Go - go - go - and hop!
For the second time, students from the vocational grammar school supported the Kiel Snow&Eyes sports project for the blind on a voluntary basis. The winter sports trip to Norway, organised by Kieler SV Sportsgeist e.V., takes place once a year. In the second week of April, the year 13 pupils, who trained as ski guides two years ago, worked as ski guides in Norway. They provided blind and visually impaired skiers with spatial orientation on the piste with the help of loudspeakers and headsets.The ski commands go, stop and hop could be heard everywhere in the ski area and the tandems, marked with signal-coloured bibs, attracted admiring and astonished glances everywhere. Everyone had a really good time not only on the piste, but also on the cross-country ski trail and in the social evenings. The organisers of the trip thanked the RBZ am Königsweg with the following words: ‘It's really nice that the RBZ am Königsweg offers its pupils the opportunity to take part in the trip and encourages them to volunteer with us in the association. The students' participation in the trip is always a great benefit.’