Lille meets Kiel: The IRTS visits the RBZ

A friendship has developed. A Franco-German one. Following our visit to Lille in November 2023, 12 French students from northern France and their four supervisors set off last week to discover Kiel.

From Monday to Friday, our guests and their German buddies visited institutions and structures where working with people is taught or practised. At the University of Applied Sciences, we learnt from Carmen Hack, Social Work Professor, and some Social Work students how much diversity (and fun) there is in studying. At the CAU (Kiel University, officially the Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel), Christiane Micus-Loos, Social Pedagogy Professor, and her team explained to us how students not only start out in social professions after graduating, but also how they can even train people in social professions in the future.

At the „Blauer Elefant“ children's centre run by the German Child Protection Association in Kiel, the prospective educators from France were able to explore many similarities and differences in dealing with children together with director Jennifer Lippok. The Lilli Nielsen School, represented by René Ehlers, and Iris Seiffert, head of the Ottendorf work and care centre, were also able to give our guests valuable insights into practical work with people with physical and mental disabilities. Our conclusion: In addition to the professional exchange about our social systems, our bilateral connections have turned into a friendship. Fish sandwiches and maroilles, on the ferry or at the city rally - continuons à faire l'Europe de l'amitié. Lille, we'll be back in November!

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