Network meeting in the field of educational support („HzE – Hilfen zur Erziehung“) - renewal of a good co-operation

To verify this statement, we first need some facts.

As part of the school-practice coordination, the RBZ am Königsweg organised a meeting on Tuesday, 2 July 2024 to provide information and exchange ideas for providers and facilities from the field of educational support. With a total of 28 participants, consisting of representatives from funding organisations, facility managers, team leaders and employees from the facilities, we were overwhelmed by the great response.

The exchange focussed on the topics of practice-integrated training for educators with a focus on HzE and OKJA, guidance for interns and opportunities for the RBZ am Königsweg to train them. Wishes and comments on teaching content were exchanged so that the RBZ am Königsweg can adapt them to current practical topics as part of the specialised school curriculum. The job fair planned for 26 November 2024 was also discussed and ideas from the field were collected for further planning. Wishes for further informative exchange and to hold the cooperation meetings twice a year were expressed.

To come back to the statement from the beginning: In his famous poem ``Stufen“ Hermann Hesse wrote the sentence ``Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne.“ (And there is a magic in every beginning.) We hope that we have sparked the magic with this meeting and given the starting signal for intensive cooperation. We would like to thank you for the large attendance, for taking the time and look forward to the next meetings with you!

Kerstin Tams and Heinke Münster

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