Recertification: European School

On 11 March 2014, we received a visit from the representative for European schools in the state of Schleswig-Holstein and the chairman of the board of European schools in Schleswig-Holstein to have our school put to the test with regard to the ‘European School’ award. In a time slot of 3 ½ hours, we were able to present our European competences as part of a lively exchange. This was not only about the many exchange projects with other European countries that the RBZ am Königsweg now offers its pupils, but also about the numerous Europe-related lessons that we use every day to teach our pupils about the importance of European cohesion and the fundamental democratic values that are so valuable in this context. The challenges we all mastered with the International Children's Day, the Day of the German-French Friendship and our participation in the European Competition were also presented by the European coordination team and recognised with great appreciation by the certification team.
By recertifying as a European School, we demonstrate our fundamental European attitude with all the associated values such as democracy, diversity and tolerance which cannot be emphasised enough, especially in the current (global) political situation.
Greetings from your European coordination team