YOUTH education conference - We are creating a sustainable future

We have been working intensively on the question of how we can shape a sustainable future ourselves. As we are currently dealing with the topic of sustainability in our GMK lessons, our class had plenty of ideas. In a World Café, we collected ideas in groups with the pupils from the four other schools present and in a final fishbowl discussion in plenary with the mayor of the city of Kiel - Ms. Treutel, the district advisor for "Education for Sustainable Development" - Tina Kattemeyer, Alexander Bethke, Luisa Galli from the Young Council, Theo Rabe from the district student council, Andreas von der Heydt, Head of the Environmental Protection Agency, and Christoph Karius, Head of the Mobility Unit, discussed the results. This gave us pupils the unique opportunity to put forward demands for more sustainability directly to the responsible authorities. The improvement of bicycle parking spaces at schools was particularly important to us. We also talked about monitoring air quality in order to protect our health. Pupils from our class took to the stage at this point to express their wish for a vegan canteen. And at the end of the event, another brave student from our class posed the most important question of the day to Ms. Treutel and the Young Council: "How can we as young people contribute to achieving the 17 SDGs in our everyday lives?" This question reflected the interest, commitment and motivation of the young people and was recognized as a very important closing question.

It was exciting for us to see how committed the various schools are to sustainable development. We are convinced that each and every one of us can make a contribution to shaping our future in a positive way. The event encouraged us students to continue to get involved in sustainability and perhaps even start concrete projects, because we can also help shape the necessary changes in our city for everyone through school commitment!

Midija and Bahra



Note: The RBZ am Koenigsweg has a working group on ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) made up of teachers and pupils. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact us:

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