Regionales Berufsbildungszentrum am Königsweg

The RBZ am Königsweg stands by all those who actively protect and promote our democracy and diversity in our society. We condemn any form of extremism that endangers our democracy and call on everyone involved in school life to take a stand!

Education with a future - on the Königsweg!

social - diverse - sustainable- creative



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News from the Königsweg

In two lectures by Prof Dr Peifer (Institute of Pharmacy) and Prof Dr Rose-John (Institute of Biochemistry), classes from our vocational grammar school learnt a lot about the world of science as part of their health lessons.


For the second time, students from the vocational grammar school supported the Kiel Snow&Eyes sports project for the blind on a voluntary basis. The winter sports trip to Norway, organised by Kieler SV Sportsgeist e.V., takes place once a year.


The United Nations (UN) has been calling for World Water Day since 1992 and is addressing SDG (= sustainable development goal) 6 ‘clean water and sanitation’ as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. After all, what would happen if we ran out of drinking water due to excessive pollution or overconsumption?


Not necessarily. The advanced German course of BG22b was able to see this for itself last Thursday in the Jahr100Haus at the Molfsee Open-Air Museum.


Heute hat die BG23b die Fachinhalte aus dem Biologieunterricht anschaulich dargestellt und mit Knete in Form von Stopmotionfilmen gestaltet. Der Pädagoge Pestalozzi schlug schon im 18. Jahrhundert vor, dass für eine Verbindung von Denken, Fühlen und Handeln möglichst viele unterschiedliche Sinne angesprochen werden sollten.
Frei nach Pestalozzis Lehransatz sind dabei heute tolle, farbige Kurzfilme zum Zellzyklus (Mitose) entstanden und gleichzeitig wurden die Informationen vertieft und gelernt. 😎👍


On 11 March 2014, we received a visit from the representative for European schools in the state of Schleswig-Holstein and the chairman of the board of European schools in Schleswig-Holstein to have our school put to the test with regard to the ‘European School’ award.
