Note on applications

Please apply in paper form. Online applications are not possible.

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Care assistent

Care assistants can work in inpatient and outpatient care and care facilities for the elderly, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, special residential groups and facilities for the disabled, providing care and support and working independently in some areas.

Socio-educational assistant (two-year with MSA)

As a socio-educational assistant, you will work as an additional employee alongside other socio-educational specialists in crèches, daycare centres, kindergartens, after-school care centres, homes and facilities for children with disabilities.

Socio-educational assistant (three-year with ESA)

As a socio-educational assistant, you will work as an additional employee alongside other socio-educational specialists in crèches, daycare centres, kindergartens, after-school care centres, homes and facilities for children with disabilities.

socio-educational assistent in a practice integrated form (two-year with MSA) (Kopie)

You can find out more about the two-year training course to become a social pedagogical assistant at the vocational school for social pedagogy in the practice-integrated form with the MSA requirement here.


As an educator, you will have comprehensive socio-educational skills and be qualified to take on independent activities and management tasks in socio-educational institutions.

Curative educator

As a curative educator, you support, educate, encourage and advise children, adolescents and adults, often in difficult and disabling life situations. You also support and advise relatives, specialists and people in the person's environment.