Two-year socio-educational assistant in practice-integrated format (SPA-PiA)

Practice-integrated training now also for socio-educational assistants
From the 2024/25 school year, the RBZ am Königsweg will offer the practice-integrated training concept (PiA) for training as a social pedagogical assistant.
Start of training:
The training begins with the new daycare year on 01.08.2024. in the facilities.
School starts on 02.09.2024.
Differences between practice-integrated training (PiA) and full-time school-based training as a social pedagogical assistant
Training in a socio-educational institution in the city of Kiel
Before an application is submitted to the school, an application for a training place must be submitted to a selected provider in a socio-educational institution in the city of Kiel. The relevant facilities must be selected from the following list. The list is available at the following link: List of providers
Training contract
The future trainees enter into a training contract with the provider.
PiA trainees receive a training allowance for the duration of the entire two-year training programme.
Entitlement to holiday
Trainees are entitled to holidays from the employer. This can only be taken during non-teaching time.
Cooperation agreement between the RBZ am Königsweg and the provider
For cooperative collaboration or intensive networking between the school and the facilities or providers, agreements are set out in a cooperation agreement.
Training structure
A week of training includes three days of lessons at school and two practical days at the socio-educational institution. This applies to both years of training.
Training as a social pedagogical assistant at the vocational school specializing in social pedagogy should enable you to care for, raise and educate children between the ages of 0 and 14. Socio-educational assistants work as additional staff alongside other socio-educational specialists in crèches, day nurseries, kindergartens, after-school care centres, homes and facilities for children with disabilities.
Lessons are held from Monday to Wednesday for approx. 8 hours, usually from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm.
Subject-related learning areas
Learning field 1: Developing professional identity and professional perspectives
Learning field 2: Understanding children in their development and their diverse living environments and developing pedagogical relationships with them
Learning field 3: Initiating, accompanying and evaluating development and educational processes
Learning field 4: Acting conceptually and cooperatively in the socio-educational area
Interdisciplinary learning areas
- Economy/Politics
- German/Communication
- English
- Religion/Philosophy
Compulsory elective area with in-depth topics from the learning fields
Practical periods in daycare centres
During the training, practical periods amounting to 660 hours must be completed. The practical periods are integrated into the course of the training, i.e. the trainees will generally be in practice from Thursday to Friday and during the non-teaching time.
The training comprises two school years. Upon graduation, students acquire the authorization to use the professional title
"Staatlich geprüfte Sozialpädagogische Assistentin"/
"Staatlich geprüfter Sozialpädagogischer Assistent".
- Secondary school leaving certificate
- Training contract with a cooperating daycare centre (you will soon find the list of facilities here)
- Vaccination documentation on sufficient vaccination protection against measles
- Applicants who have obtained their degree abroad must provide proof of German language proficiency at level B2 according to the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for Teaching, Learning and Assessment" (available at
- Training contract with a cooperating institution in the city of Kiel
The following must also be submitted by the first day of school at the latest
- Extended certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority in accordance with Section 30 a BZRG (not older than 3 months at the start of school)
- Proof of instruction in accordance with Section 43 IfSG (infection protection)
There are no school fees. Learning materials are provided within the framework of the applicable regulations. Costs may be incurred for special teaching tasks, school trips, etc.
Applications for the training course must be submitted to the school after recruitment by the institution, namely the
- Application for admission to the school
- Preliminary contract with the provider (internship)
- Complete curriculum vitae with educational and professional background
- Copies of the final report card or last semester's report card
- In the case of a foreign educational qualification, a certificate of equivalence and a B2 certificate (German) must also be submitted.
- Documentation of sufficient protection against measles (copy of vaccination certificate or a medical certificate confirming existing immunity or a medical contraindication)
After confirmation: An extended police clearance certificate (not older than 3 months at the start of school)