Mind the gap: investing money successfully

Do you have no idea what to do with your savings and just leave them in a savings account? You don't want to deal with money and just hope that it will be enough when you get older? Are you female or trans*? Then you are not alone. The problem? Many women and trans* people face poverty in old age at the end of their lives because this group of people statistically earns less and invests less money profitably. These differences between the sexes are called the gender pay gap and the gender investment gap.
We don't think this should be the case. That's why we held a workshop on 22 May as part of our gender equality campaign to reveal a few simple tricks on how women can achieve great things by investing a small amount of money so that our students can close the investment gap and learn to take their finances into their own hands. More good news?
Yes: There will be a second event in June: for teachers and students at our school. Information will follow. We look forward to it and to seeing you there!
Manja Kürschner (Equal opportunities officer) and Julia Sill (passionate investor)