Introducing DN AG
DN? What’s that? DN stands for Diversity Network. The DN - just like the ESD AG - is dedicated to implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda from 2015 - the 17 sustainability goals. However, the DN focuses on the social dimension of the 17 goals. The permanent core of the working group currently consists of six teachers who are in close contact with the two liaison teachers at our school and the pupil representatives to be able to directly address concerns from pupils and all school employees. After a discovery and sorting phase, the group has now taken up specific ideas and concerns. For example, the feedback system los.werden has recently been established for everyone involved in the school. The launch of a school account on Instagram was also initiated by DN and implemented by teachers who are enthusiastic about social networking (so if you want to be up to date but haven't signed up yet: Download Instagram and follow rbzamkoenigsweg.kiel). Various action days are also being planned to draw attention to important issues. These include Anne Frank Day in June and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in November. We are also working on the transparency of the many different areas of responsibility and their contact persons at our school to quickly and easily identify the right contact person for every concern for everyone involved in the school. In doing so, we hope to create more space for encounters with one another. This also applies to our work: Participation and imitation is absolutely encouraged! You can reach us at any time via
We look forward to many ideas!
Your DN