You can find further information on full-time educator training at: training information
In the coming school year 2024/2025, a new class will be offered in this form of education. Please apply until 15. March 2024.
You can find further information on the part-time training program for eductaor at: training information
From summer 2020, training to become an educator will be offered in a practice-integrated form. This practice-integrated training (PiA) extends over three years and is divided into theoretical and practical training content, which are interlinked. Students conclude an employment contract with a provider of a child and youth welfare facility in accordance with Section 2 SGB VIII.
We are opening two new PiA classes in summer 2024: One class with a focus on the elementary sector (work in daycare centers) and one class with a focus on educational assistance & open child and youth work (work e.g. in home education, day groups and youth clubs). Applications are submitted via the participating organizations.
The carriers can be found in the following lists:
The deadlines for applications to the providers for the elementary sector have expired, please do not submit any more applications.
Trägerliste Hilfe zur Erziehung & Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit
Information on the training course can be found in our flyers:
Flyer zur PiA-Ausbildung Elementarbereich
Flyer zur PiA-Ausbildung Hilfe zur Erziehung & Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit
The following video clips were created in the FS19AFBG educator class. They are intended to give an insight into the multifaceted profession of nursery teachers. They not only work in kindergartens and crèches, but are also employed in the school child sector, in open youth work, in educational support and in curative education.
The various videos are divided up in the same way: Each clip presents a field of work in the educator profession.
Another film provides general information such as the training requirements, financing of the training, etc.
It was very important to the students to promote their profession. Because there is a great need for trained educators on the labor market.
Enjoy watching the films. Maybe one or the other will be interested in doing this training with us at Königsweg.
We look forward to meeting you!